Show/Hide Curves Hotkey

When animating, I often find myself switching the curves display on and off between work and playblasts. Before I would tear off the display panel and mannually flick the display on and off according to my needs however there is a nifty little script that can be run on a hot key that will automate this process.

By assigning this to a hot key I save myself a lot of time pecking and the option with the cursor and I figured I would share it as I'm sure many people are looking for a similar solution.

In order to create the hot key, select Window > Settings/Preferences > Hotkey Editor

From there you want to hit 'New' and assign the action a name like 'HideShow_Curves'. Add a description if you so choose and then paste the following bit of code into the Command section:

string $panel = `getPanel -wf`;
modelEditor -e -nurbsCurves (!`modelEditor -q -nurbsCurves $panel`) $panel;

After that just hit 'Accept' and you're good to go. All that's left to do is to assign it to a key on your keyboard. I use f7 as it is unassigned by default but you can select any key you want and hit the assign button.

You're Hotkey Editor should appear as below:

It may seem like such a small command but it has become such a huge part of my workflow and I hope it can help some of you as well.

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