Eye Animation

The good thing about working with motion capture on Happy Feet 2 is that it really forces you to focus on the facial performance a lot more than the body. I've had to really study how to deliver certain emotions and make an impact with the audience whilst always keeping the characters alive and active with their thoughts.

The eyes play such an important role in delivering the thought process of a character and I've come accross some very short, yet very information videos, that will give you a solid understanding as to how they work.

No eye movement is random or without purpose and I feel these videos are a simple way to understand the reasons behind certain eye movements.

Below I've featured the video exemplifying eye directions and eye darts:

Other useful eye links are listed below, but also be sure to check out the other videos by AnimationScout.

It's amazing how much life and personality eyes can add to a character. By giving them a thought process through the eyes, the characters instantly become more believable and appealing. My work has definitely improved the more I learn about how eyes work and I've found these videos to be the perfect introduction to anyone interested.

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